The Midfield Pod
Welcome to the Midfield! We don't talk about the top, we don't talk about the bottom, everything else is the Midfield. Join Dan, Patrick and Andy as they dive into the world of F1 motorsports each week.
The Midfield Pod
067 - Mama Mia! A Monza Memoriam! - Italian GP recap
Welcome back Midfielders!
Boy golly gee oh gosh! Wasn't Monza just a hoot?! We thought so! Kick back and enjoy the recap as we go team by team through all the midfield action. Let's get it goin'!
0:00 - Intros/Italian vs. Dutch GP's. Easy pickins, and that's not just our opinion man, that's YOURS! Real live poll results? Man, we are on our game.
3:35 - A double dinger?! C'mon Patty, ties the score in one sentence. It's hard to avoid our favorite papaya boys when they had such an excellent battle with the Ferrari's on Sunday. A surprising one-stop puts Charlie on the podium! Both red cars looked good, and done It-lee proud. Good job.
12:15 - Georgie Porgie was full-up on pizza and ready to tangle with The Mexican Midfielder. He was up and down and out and in all day Sunday, but managed to fanagle his way into 7th overall, and snuggled right between the Blue Team cars as well. Well done Porgie Pizza Pie, the crust is perfect. We touch on Lewis about as much as the F1 broadcasters did, or so it seemed. Quiet weekend from ol' Faithful.
16:55 - It's that team we love to hate. We put our eggies in Lance's basket this week for the P10 challenge and boy-oh-daddies-boy were we mistaken. Dan thinks he's cracked the code, as to his ENORMOUS drop off at the end of the race. Despite all this, we find a way to say some nice things.
33:52 - The Bad Boys. Sadly their cool leather jackets and toothpicks caught up to to our Haas brothers. Hulkster deked us out of choosing him for P10 by spending all practice sessions in the gravel, and Dan nails his BOLDIE as PMag finally scoops up his race ban. It's okay buddy, take a race to cool off, and we'll see you soon.
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Thanks for all your input and support, lets race hard, and keep it clean!
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